When it comes to the nautical wallpaper, it is considered as one of the most popular styles. People usually think of boat anchors and white sailor caps when they think of the nautical themed wallpaper. This is the highly-famed style that has been brought back in this 21st century. It is one of the most versatile wallpapers that are around with it various styles and themes that are available today. So, let us now learn about the 3 styles that are reaching high to its level of popularity each day as you take a dig into nautical wallpaper a little deeper.
1. The Living Room
The living room can now be decorated in its nautical theme and this has now been made possible. But, this often comes off a little pushy as if we are trying to force our love of the theme to our guests who might not be sharing our preference as it limits the room. But, it is very easy to decorate a living room in the theme without that décor being too pushy or campy with the various styles that are available today. You can try out a tropical leaf, including a woven bamboo, or blue and white damask pattern instead of boat anchors and sailors. This is something that is virtually unrecognizable when they are compared with the themes that are made available previously since all of these provide an elegant style.
2. The Bathroom
It has been made popular for almost decades when it comes to decorating the bathroom. So why not your reconsider the whole approach with the new styles those are available today. Without having to revert to the old clinches, there are several ways in which you can introduce the theme to the bathroom. There is a vague connection to the sea with a dark and rich palm tree pattern with the brown tropical palm tree design. You can also try out the pink botanical floral design. You will be getting a tropical feel without having to scream for a beach. Along with keeping a fresh albeit subdued allegiance to the theme there are usually hundreds of styles that can work out quite well.
3. The Kid's Room
There are several of these styles that will be delighting the imagination of the child along with maintaining the mature décor of the home while it is sometimes tempting to revert to the animated themes for the child’s room. It is however not your average fish-themed wallpaper with the light blue under sea wallpaper. They are more of the lifelike, modern, and quite beautiful when it comes to its illustrations. To the existing décor, the colors and the light can blend pretty easily. The other great choice for the room of the child is the teal marina wallpaper style. To give it a graceful, playful look while it can still provide a level of professionalism, the colors are subdued and its designs are a bit faded.